
This operation transfers the certifier's Determination decision for Occupation, Construction, PC Appointment, Subdivision works & Sub-division certificate on the Post-consent Certificate case from the certifier's IT system to the Online Post-consent Certificate Service.Certifiers will be unable to approve the certificates if the linked parent cases ( DA/StateDA/CDC) are still in progress and have not yet been determined. They will also be unable to approve certificates if there are outstanding Housing and Productivity payments. The only exception is for Principal Certifying Authority (PCA).

path Parameters

A fully qualified application number or case id

header Parameters

The council LGA name or Private Certifier Organisation name to indicate where the request is originated from.

Request Body schema: application/json

Information request object


Check for "Is further inspection required" and this field is required and applicable only for Principal Certifier appointment.


This is applicable for private certifiers only and not applicable for councils. When the value 'Yes' is given, a related inprogress Certificate Registration case will be created. When 'No' value is given, Certificate Registration case will not be created. This is not applicable for PCA. Defaulted to 'No'. 1. No 2. Yes


This indicates whether the certificate is approved or refused. Required field for Subdivision certificate,Occupation certificate and Construction . 1st and 2nd are applicable for Construction certificate, Subdivision certificate ,Occupation certificate while 3rd to 5th are applicable for Principal Certifier appointment-Occupation certificate, Principal Certifier appointment-Subdivision certificate. One of the below mentioned values must be selected. 1. Approved 2. Refused 3. Yes, proceed to subdivision certificate 4. Yes, proceed to occupation certificate 5. No, further works are required

Array of objects (Stage)

This indicates the stages for the certificate that is being sought for staged developments. This is applicable when Housing and Productivity contributions have been identified for the certificates. Stages can be supplied whenever the certifier is required to amend stages supplied by the applicant. If the information is not available during submission, the certifier must input this information. This is not applicable for PCA. Below values can be used to capture stages. 1.Stage 1, 2.Stage 2, 3.Stage 3, 4.Stage 4, 5.Stage 5


Required when we select the application status as approved only and this field used to select the type of certificate. the first two fields in the options are for Occupation certificate and next two are for the Construction certificate type and Subdivision work certififcate type. This option is not available for Subdivision certificate type. One of the below mentioned values must be selected for subType. 1. Occupation Certificate for part of the development 2. Occupation Certificate for the full development 3. Partial construction certificate 4. Full construction certificate


This indicates the determination related comments. Is an optional for Subdivision certificate, Occupation certificate. Is applicable for Occupation certificate when applicationDecision is 'Refused' and not available for PCA certificate and Construction certificate.

string <date>

This indicates the date of determination, this field is required for Construction certificate, Occupation certificate and Principal Certifier appointment and optional field for Subdivision certificate.

Array of objects (NumberofBedrooms)

Applicable when determinationOutcome is 'Approved' . This is applicable for Occupation certificate.

Array of objects (AddcategoryOfDevelopment)

Applicable when determinationOutcome is 'Approved'. This is applicable for Occupation certificate.

Array of objects (RoomTypes)

This is to track the room types as part of development statistics. This is applicable for PCC-OC when determinationOutcome is 'Approved' and for development types - Hostel, Co-living House, Boarding house, Medium Density Housing, Attached dwelling, Dual occupancy, Manor house, Multi-dwelling housing,Multi-dwelling housing (terraces),Semi-detached dwelling.

Array of strings (PCCdeclarations)

PCC declarations are replaced with the confirmation text that reads ' By submitting this page and uploading the relevant documentation, I confirm that all documents have been signed by an appropriately qualified person and that all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements have been considered and adhered to as attested to by the signatory on the certificate.This is an obsolete attribute.

string <= 50 characters

Certifiers full name, Optional field for Subdivision certificate and required field for Construction certificate, Principal Certifier appointment and Occupation certificates. Validation will be ignored, as there is a validation done on the Certifiers accreditationNumber for CC & OC for private and principal certifier.


This indicates the category of the certifiers. This is required for private certifiers and not councils. This is applicable for CC and OC certificates only. One of the below values are expected to be supplied. 1. Individual registered certifier under the Building and Development Certificates 2018 2. Registered body corporate under the Building and Development Certificates 2018 Individual registered certifier value will be defaulted for private certifiers to support existing API users.


This indicates Registered body corporate number. This is required only when certifierCategory is selected as 'Registered body corporate under the Building and Development Certificates 2018'. Registration number can be checked in the link -


This field refers to the certifier's registration number. This is to track the BDC registration number that is applicable for NSW certifiers (OR) AMR registration number (e.g. AMR-123456) that's applicable for interstate certifiers. This field is mandatory for all certificate types.


This is to track the state of the registered certifier. This field is relevant to Constuction certificates and Occupation Certificates only. NSW state is enabled as the default selection for the Council and the private certifiers. 1. Yes, in NSW 2. Yes, in another state


This is to track the Registration state or territory. This is required when registeredCertifierState is "Yes, in another state" 1. Victoria 2. South Australia 3. Western Australia 4. Tasmania 5. Northern Territory 6. Australian Capital Territory


This is to track the Interstate license number. This is required when registeredCertifierState is "Yes, in another state"

Array of objects (DownloadableDocument)

Development Application (DA) number which is related to this certificate application and applicable only for Construction certificate, Occupation certificate & Subdivision certificate when application is selected DA during Post consent certificate case creation.


Complying Development Certificate number which is related to this certificate application and visible field only for Occupation certificate & Subdivision certificate when application is selected CDC during Post consent certificate.

string <= 250 characters

User must be registered in the planning portal


Request samples

Content type
  • "isFurtherInspectionRequired": true,
  • "registerCertificate": "string",
  • "applicationDecision": "Refer to description for values",
  • "housingAndProductivityContributions": [
  • "subType": "Refer to description for values",
  • "comments": "string",
  • "determinationDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "numOfBedrooms": [
  • "categoryOfDevelopment": [
  • "roomType": [
  • "declarations": [
  • "certifiersFullName": "string",
  • "certifierCategory": "string",
  • "RBCnumber": "string",
  • "accreditationNumber": "string",
  • "registeredCertifierState": "Refer to description for values",
  • "registrationStateorTerritoryName": "Refer to description for values",
  • "interStateLicenseNumber": "string",
  • "documents": [
  • "DANumber": "string",
  • "CDCNumber": "string",
  • "updatedByEmail": ""

Response samples

Content type
  • "statusCode": 200,
  • "message": "string",
  • "activityId": "string",
  • "CRCaseID": "CR-XXXX-XXX",
  • "Documents": [