This operation transfers the application created by the applicant from the Section 68 of the Local Government Act Service to the Council's IT system.
CaseID required | string A fully qualified Section 68 of the Local Government Act case |
OrganisationID required | string The council LGA name to indicate where the response is routed to. |
Information request object
caseStatus | string <= 80 characters Status of the Section68 case |
required | object (applicantList) used to hold applicant's details. |
Array of objects (applicantList) | |
applicationType required | string (ApplicationType) what is the application type to be created. One of the below mentioned values must be selected for ApplicationType 1. Section 68 application 2. Section 68 modification application 3. Section 68 review of determination |
relatedApplication | string (relatedApplication) type of the related application and is applicable when 'applicationType' is selected as 'Section 68 application'. One of the below mentioned values must be selected for RelatedApplication 1. Complying Development Certificate (CDC) 2. Development Application (DA) 3. No related application |
relatedApplicationAppliedViaPortal | boolean applicable when 'Complying Development Certificate (CDC)' or 'Development Application (DA)' is selected as part of 'relatedApplication' given options. |
relatedPortalCaseID | string Holds the related portal caseID of either 'Complying Development Certificate (CDC)' or 'Development Application (DA)' and is applicable when 'Complying Development Certificate (CDC)' or 'Development Application (DA)' is selected as part of 'relatedApplication' given options. |
isCaseAppliedOnPortal | boolean Applicable when 'applicationType' is 'Section 68 modification application' or 'Section 68 review of determination' |
referenceNumberOfPastCase | string applicable when 'applicationType' is 'Section 68 modification application'or 'Section 68 review of determination'. This field is required when 'isCaseAppliedOnPortal' is true |
dateOfDetermiantionOfPastCase | string <date> applicable when 'applicationType' is 'Section 68 modification application' or 'Section 68 review of determination'. This field is required when 'isCaseAppliedOnPortal' is false |
dateOfDetermiantion | string <date> applicable when 'applicationType' is 'Section 68 modification application' or 'Section 68 review of determination'. This field is required when 'isCaseAppliedOnPortal' is true |
modificationDescription | string <= 512 characters applicable when 'applicationType' is 'Section 68 modification application' and holds the comments why the other case is modified. |
required | Array of objects (Location) |
required | Array of objects (DevelopmentTypes) Holds the type of development proposed by the applicant. |
propertySize | string applicable when 'WaterWorks' is selected as 'Operate a system of sewage management (within the meaning of section 68A)' and holds the size of property proposed. One of the below mentioned values must be selected for propertySize 1. Land size of less than 1000m2 2. Land size of 1000m2 – 2000m2 3. Land size of more than 2000m2 |
propertyUse | string applicable when 'WaterWorks' is selected as 'Operate a system of sewage management (within the meaning of section 68A)' and holds the usage of property. One of the below mentioned values must be selected for propertyUse 1. Residential dwelling 2. Commercial and/or industrial development 3. Other |
noOfBedrooms | integer <= 5 characters applicable when 'Residential dwelling' is selected in 'propertyUse' |
propertyUseOther | string applicable when 'Other' is selected in 'propertyUse' |
typeOfWaterSupply | string applicable when 'WaterWorks' is selected as 'Operate a system of sewage management (within the meaning of section 68A)' and holds the type of watter supply. One of the below mentioned values must be selected for typeOfWaterSupply 1. Mains water supply (town water) 2. Tank water 3. Dam, river or bore water |
typeOfWasteTreatment | Array of strings (WasteTreatementType) applicable when 'WaterWorks' is selected as 'Operate a system of sewage management (within the meaning of section 68A)' and holds the type of waste treatment |
tradeWasteDesc | string applicable when 'typeOfWasteTreatment' is 'Trade' |
otherWasteDesc | string <= 256 characters applicable when 'typeOfWasteTreatment' is 'Other' |
wasteMgmtTreatmentSystem | Array of strings (TreatmentSystem) applicable when 'WaterWorks' is selected as 'Operate a system of sewage management (within the meaning of section 68A)' and holds the type of system to be installed (treatment system) |
otherTreatmentSystemDesc | string <= 256 characters applicable when 'wasteMgmtTreatmentSystem' is 'Other' |
wasteMgmtTypeOfSystem | Array of strings (TypeOfSystem) applicable when 'WaterWorks' is selected as 'Operate a system of sewage management (within the meaning of section 68A)' and holds the type of system to be installed (treatment system) |
otherTypeOfSystemDesc | string <= 256 characters applicable when 'wasteMgmtTypeOfSystem' is 'Other' |
tankCapacity | Array of numbers <decimal> (TankCapacity) applicable when 'WaterWorks' is selected as 'Operate a system of sewage management (within the meaning of section 68A)' and holds the tank capacity in litres |
object | |
operationHoursComments | string <= 512 characters applicable when 'hoursOfOperation' is present and holds additional comments on operating hours. |
otherDevelopment | string <= 512 characters applicable when 'otherDevelopmentWorks' is selected as 'Other' |
diningAreaLicensed | boolean applicable when 'communityLandWorks' has 'Engage in a trade or business' and tells if applicant is intended to operate the outdoor dining area as a licensed premises |
isLiquorLicenseHeld | boolean applicable when 'diningAreaLicensed' is true and holds whether the applicant holds liquor license or not |
liquorLicenceNumber | string <= 20 characters applicable when 'isLiquorLicenseHeld' is true and holds the liquor license number provided |
briefOfProposedWorks required | string <= 512 characters holds the brief explanation of the proposed works |
estimatedCost | number <decimal> Holds the estimated cost of the works |
siteConditionsImpact | boolean Tells if there are any security or site conditions which may impact on the person undertaking the inspection. eg: locked gates, animals, etc |
impactDetals | string <= 512 characters Applicable and required when 'siteConditionsImpact' is true and holds the detailed description of site or security conditions may impact inspecting person. |
isApplicantCouncilMember | boolean describes if the applicant or owner a staff member or councillor of the council assessing the application |
applicantCouncilRoleDescription | string <= 512 characters applicable and required when 'isApplicantPartOfCouncil' is true |
isApplicantRelatedToCouncil | boolean describes if the applicant or owner have a relationship with any staff or councillor of the council assessing the application |
applicantCouncilRelationDecription | string <= 512 characters applicable and required when 'applicantRelatedWithcouncilMember' is true |
object Applicable only if 'waterWorks' is not chosen. | |
object Applicable only if 'waterWorks' is chosen. | |
object Applicable only if 'waterWorks' is not chosen. | |
object | |
object | |
isResend | boolean This is to track if application details are resent. True indicates a retriggered event. |
Array of objects (DownloadableDocument) | |
declarations | Array of strings (declarationS68) Required applicant declaration for Section 68 of the Local Government Act |
object (UpdatedBy) |
{- "caseStatus": "Submitted",
- "primaryApplicant": {
- "applyOnBehalfOfCompany": true,
- "contactDetails": {
- "title": "Refer to description for values",
- "person": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "otherName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "contactNumber": "stringst",
- "email": "string",
- "address": "string"
}, - "applicantCompany": {
- "companyName": "string",
- "ABN": "12345678910",
- "ACN": "123456789",
- "tradingName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "email": ""
}, - "secondaryApplicants": [
- {
- "applyOnBehalfOfCompany": true,
- "contactDetails": {
- "title": "Refer to description for values",
- "person": {
- "firstName": "string",
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- "familyName": "string",
- "contactNumber": "stringst",
- "email": "string",
- "address": "string"
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- "ABN": "12345678910",
- "ACN": "123456789",
- "tradingName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "email": ""
], - "applicationType": "Refer to description for values",
- "relatedApplication": "Refer to description for values",
- "relatedApplicationAppliedViaPortal": true,
- "relatedPortalCaseID": "string",
- "isCaseAppliedOnPortal": true,
- "referenceNumberOfPastCase": "string",
- "dateOfDetermiantionOfPastCase": "2019-08-24",
- "dateOfDetermiantion": "2019-08-24",
- "modificationDescription": "string",
- "siteAddresses": [
- {
- "address": "19-33 Elizabeth Street, Narrandera, 2700",
- "addressDetail": {
- "complexUnitType": "string",
- "complexLevelType": "string",
- "complexLevelNumber": "string",
- "complexUnitIdentifier": "string",
- "streetNumber1": "string",
- "streetNumber2": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "streetSuffix": "string",
- "streetType": "string",
- "suburb": "string",
- "latitude": 0,
- "longitude": 0,
- "wkid": "string",
- "cadastralID": "string",
- "primarySecondary": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "postCode": 0
}, - "addressMissing": true,
- "adjacentLot": true,
- "lotList": [
- {
- "lotsectionplan": "1/-/SPXXXXX"
], - "lga": "PENRITH",
- "isPrimary": true
], - "developmentType": [
- {
- "publicPlace": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "waterWorks": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "wasteManagement": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "publicRoadWorks": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "communityLandWorks": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "otherDevelopmentWorks": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "propertySize": "Refer to description for values",
- "propertyUse": "Refer to description for value",
- "noOfBedrooms": 0,
- "propertyUseOther": "string",
- "typeOfWaterSupply": "Refer to description for value",
- "typeOfWasteTreatment": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "tradeWasteDesc": "string",
- "otherWasteDesc": "string",
- "wasteMgmtTreatmentSystem": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "otherTreatmentSystemDesc": "string",
- "wasteMgmtTypeOfSystem": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "otherTypeOfSystemDesc": "string",
- "tankCapacity": [
- 12.5
], - "proposed24HrWork": {
- "isMonWorkDay": true,
- "MonWorkDay": {
- "proposed24HrWork": true,
- "startWorkingHours": "09:30 AM",
- "endWorkingHours": "05:30 PM"
}, - "isTueWorkDay": true,
- "TueWorkDay": {
- "proposed24HrWork": true,
- "startWorkingHours": "09:30 AM",
- "endWorkingHours": "05:30 PM"
}, - "isWedWorkDay": true,
- "WedWorkDay": {
- "proposed24HrWork": true,
- "startWorkingHours": "09:30 AM",
- "endWorkingHours": "05:30 PM"
}, - "isThuWorkDay": true,
- "ThuWorkDay": {
- "proposed24HrWork": true,
- "startWorkingHours": "09:30 AM",
- "endWorkingHours": "05:30 PM"
}, - "isFriWorkDay": true,
- "FriWorkDay": {
- "proposed24HrWork": true,
- "startWorkingHours": "09:30 AM",
- "endWorkingHours": "05:30 PM"
}, - "isSatWorkDay": true,
- "SatWorkDay": {
- "proposed24HrWork": true,
- "startWorkingHours": "09:30 AM",
- "endWorkingHours": "05:30 PM"
}, - "isSunWorkDay": true,
- "SunWorkDay": {
- "proposed24HrWork": true,
- "startWorkingHours": "09:30 AM",
- "endWorkingHours": "05:30 PM"
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- "otherDevelopment": "string",
- "diningAreaLicensed": true,
- "isLiquorLicenseHeld": true,
- "liquorLicenceNumber": "string",
- "briefOfProposedWorks": "string",
- "estimatedCost": 0,
- "siteConditionsImpact": true,
- "impactDetals": "string",
- "isApplicantCouncilMember": true,
- "applicantCouncilRoleDescription": "string",
- "isApplicantRelatedToCouncil": true,
- "applicantCouncilRelationDecription": "string",
- "contractorLicenseeDetails": {
- "applyOnBehalfOfCompany": true,
- "companyDetails": {
- "companyName": "string",
- "ABN": "12345678910",
- "ACN": "123456789",
- "tradingName": "string"
}, - "contactDetails": {
- "title": "Refer to description for values",
- "person": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "otherName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "contactNumber": "stringst",
- "email": "string",
- "address": "string"
}, - "licenceNumber": "string"
}, - "drainageWorkerDetails": {
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- "companyDetails": {
- "companyName": "string",
- "ABN": "12345678910",
- "ACN": "123456789",
- "tradingName": "string"
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- "title": "Refer to description for values",
- "person": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "otherName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "contactNumber": "stringst",
- "email": "string",
- "address": "string"
}, - "licenceNumber": "string"
}, - "plumberDetails": {
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- "companyDetails": {
- "companyName": "string",
- "ABN": "12345678910",
- "ACN": "123456789",
- "tradingName": "string"
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- "title": "Refer to description for values",
- "person": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "otherName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "contactNumber": "stringst",
- "email": "string",
- "address": "string"
}, - "licenceNumber": "string"
}, - "manufacturerDetails": {
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- "companyDetails": {
- "companyName": "string",
- "ABN": "12345678910",
- "ACN": "123456789",
- "tradingName": "string"
}, - "contactDetails": {
- "title": "Refer to description for values",
- "person": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "otherName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "contactNumber": "stringst",
- "email": "string",
- "address": "string"
}, - "licenceNumber": "string"
}, - "payerInformation": {
- "isPayerCompany": true,
- "payerPerson": {
- "title": "Refer to description for values",
- "payerInfo": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "otherName": "string",
- "familyName": "string",
- "contactNumber": "stringst",
- "email": "string",
- "address": "string"
}, - "payerCompany": {
- "companyName": "string",
- "ABN": "12345678910",
- "ACN": "123456789",
- "tradingName": "string",
- "address": "string",
- "email": ""
}, - "isResend": true,
- "documents": [
- {
- "documentName": "test.docx",
- "documentType": "string",
- "uploadedDateTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "documentURL": "string",
- "documentSize": 0,
- "updatedBy": "Council"
], - "declarations": [
- "Refer to description for values"
], - "updatedBy": {
- "person": {
- "firstName": "John",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "email": "",
- "contactNumber": "stringst"
{- "statusCode": 404,
- "message": "Internal Server error 19876",
- "activityId": "00000011-0ab-xy00-0000-500000000000",
- "errorCode": "DPE_TMS01",
- "errorDetails": "Inner Exceptions, Stack Trace, etc"